
Our Services

Services vary by area. Enter your zip code above for exact availability

Above Ground Pool Service

  • Installation
  • Service & Maintenance
  • Part(s) Replacement
  • Pool Removal

Special Events

Have a special Now Pools event in mind? Let our team work with you to create an amazing event

Subscription Pool Service

  • Installation
  • Weekly Service
  • Chemicals
  • Maintenance
  • Pool Removal

Subscription Spa Service

  • Installation
  • BiWeekly Service
  • Chemicals
  • Maintenance
  • Pool Removal

Ranging From

$625 - $925

Pools Subscription

Ranging From

$189 - $389

Spa Subscription

Ranging From

$625 - $925

DIY Pool Subscription

Ranging From

$625 - $925

Above Ground Pool Services
**Everything listed above is included in Standard Pool & Spa Subscriptions

Ranging From

Varies By Event

Special Events
Have a special Now Pools event in mind? Let our team work with you to create an amazing event

Tell us about your special event

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.

We’re happy to offer “DIY Pool Service” as described on our services page in your zip code.  This modified service includes pool installation and removal, a pool robot vacuum, and chlorine for the duration of your subscription. We do not offer our weekly service in your zip code, but can be available for “remote support” as needed during your subscription. Should you have specific questions on this service level offering, please email or call (602) 560-4554. Thanks.